star wars!
this movie was so much better than the first two movies and that is exactly what i was hoping for.
it was crazy getting into the theatre. we had to go through metal detectors and they were shining us with night vision through the entire movie. yep...i'm feeling pretty full of myself right now.
i don't want to spoil anything for anyone (psst...anakin skywalker turns into darth vader) so i won't get into the movie, but its not like anything dramatic happens that you didn't know about already.
so go see it. it was a whole lot of fun and excitement. oh and of course all the tragedy. you can't forget the tragedy; definitely not a toys'r'us commercial like the first two - as the saying goes.
the only downside of seeing the screening was that they didn't show any previews. i was almost positive that they were going to show the goblet of fire preview, but if that's all i can complain about....
i don't think i'll be able to sleep tonight. what, with new star wars and new lost on the same day. i will be totally overstimulated.
it was crazy getting into the theatre. we had to go through metal detectors and they were shining us with night vision through the entire movie. yep...i'm feeling pretty full of myself right now.
i don't want to spoil anything for anyone (psst...anakin skywalker turns into darth vader) so i won't get into the movie, but its not like anything dramatic happens that you didn't know about already.
so go see it. it was a whole lot of fun and excitement. oh and of course all the tragedy. you can't forget the tragedy; definitely not a toys'r'us commercial like the first two - as the saying goes.
the only downside of seeing the screening was that they didn't show any previews. i was almost positive that they were going to show the goblet of fire preview, but if that's all i can complain about....
i don't think i'll be able to sleep tonight. what, with new star wars and new lost on the same day. i will be totally overstimulated.

theatre is definitely the best place to see it. i am super lucky!
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