
new flatmate

Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
we have a little mouse living in our apartment. we have been really careful not to leave any food out, thinking that our precautions would result in him leaving and finding another place to stay.

it's like he knows that we aren't going to set a trap. it's almost spring outside and in theory, he should be gone now and out of my life.

but now, there is no food for him so he's getting bolder. now he just comes out and starts staring at us. he must of seen us giving the dogs treats so he thought he would give it a try.

our tactic now is when he comes and sits in the middle of the living room floor, we just kind of shout at him and flail our arms. that works for a few minutes and then he just comes back.

at least he is the smallest (doesn't look like it in the picture) mouse i have ever seen and he's cute. but i am not looking for another pet (although a cat seems pretty fitting for this situation).


Blogger Jody said...

Cute mouse!

Hopefully he'll find his own way out as soon as it warms up.

12:10 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

ryan actually caught him when he got into the dustbin. he let him outside and LITERALLY two minutes later we saw him run across the living room again.

1:39 PM  

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