
split decision

minister of fisheries and oceans geoff regan: the seal hunt is good for you. seal oil contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and seal oil should be marketed for human consumption. (by the way, flax seed oil and hemp seed oil are also high in omega-3 fatty acids).

director of canadian wildlife issues for the humane society of the united states rebecca aldworth: east coast fishermen make less than 5% of their annual income from the seal hunt.

robert golden: there should be a fund for fishermen if that is the only thing in the way of stopping the seal hunt.

joan forsey: with huge amounts of money so easily available when you play on people's emotions - brutal men versus cuddly "baby" seals - and when you target people who can't fight back, other "charitable" organizations were quick to jump on the bandwagon.

international fund for animal welfare: according to an international team of independant vets, last year 79% of sealers failed to check if the animal was still alive when they skinned it, 40% were not killed on the first blow and 42% had minimal or no fractures, indicating that they were skinned alive.


Blogger Jody said...

Oh My God Jessa!

Skinned alived!!!!!!!! That is just so horrific.

I love how Geoff Regan will say absolutely anything to keep his job. I'm sorry but loggers and fisheries people etc. should find new careers. Why should we have to continue to rape the Earth and it's creatures just so they can keep their fucking jobs?

I think people who insist on continuing this barbaric behaviour should have the skin on one of their limbs taken off and see how they like it.

Ok, that was gross but you get my point.

1:47 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

i do get your point. people don't like hearing about how disgusting it is, but we are talking about killing 350,000 seals and then leaving their carcasses to rot.

geoff regan bumped up the numbers this year and he is allowing an extra 50,000 seals to be killed. yeah, seal oil is really tasty. i'm sure lots of people will buy that.

2:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seals are not skinned alive. Can you imagine how long it would take to skin a seal alive? Why would a sealer give himself the trouble? This is propaganda.
And carcasses are not left to rot. Even if they were left on the ice, they couldn't rot. It's ice -- you know, refrigeration. But in any case they are not left there. The meat is used for food, some in Newfoundland, but most for export. The oil, which contains the very healthy Omega-3 is also used -- most of it is exported to Asia where they have a great appreciation of the value of Omega 3 oils.

Independent experts have judged the seal hunt to be humane. They include a Royal Commission, which studied the sealing industry for two years, and numerous veterinarians, members of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. The CVMA sent five groups of representatives to observe the hunt between 1979 and 1984, four in 1999, and one in 2001. They said 98% of the seals are killed in a humane fashion. The animal rights fanatics focus on the other 2% of course because that's what gets attention and draws in the money.

They are exploiting the poor, as usual -- fishermen who are trying to earn some money in a season when there is no fishing. And all the city types who have never had to do anything for food except go to a supermarket are listening to the animal rights fanatics who are using the seal hunt as a fundraiser. The animal rights crowd would never take on the cattle industry, of course; it's too big and powerful. Besides, if they did, donations would plummet because too many people like eating meat and wearing leather. It's so much easier to pick on the poor, and it rakes a lot more money.

12:23 AM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

i think there are better sources of omega-3, but that's not really the point here.

if you were really concerned about exploiting the poor, you would see how they are being forced into these dangerous and horrific occupations. you should be looking at the source of the poverty and not these quick fix solutions like animal slaughters.

i am also offended that anyone defending the seal hunt is assumed to be some PETA brainwashed sap without opinions of their own (not to mention that they don't care about anything else like the beef industry or human welfare).

12:27 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

and by the way, it really only takes about a minute to skin an animal.

11:33 PM  

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