

Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
what can i say? there is so much action now that i have no idea where to start. i am feeling pretty overwhelmed, so i am just going to focus on the few major events that stick out.

i cried when walt's dog started swimming to him as he was leaving on the raft. i thought that was really too emotional for me. of course, leave it to the dog to make me cry. i got through jin and sun's reconcilliation without too much trouble. it was just the dog...why did he have to give it to shannon anyway? wouldn't that have been a really nice goodbye-bonding moment if he gave his dog to locke? they seemed to have skipped that part of the show...could it possibly be because the raft isn't really going to get anywhere?? that thing was moving sideways.

what else, what else (that i haven't already talked to jody about, who i think may be the only person who reads these reviews)? i think that they will be finding the other half of the plane soon and that's who that girl in the bar was with jack. or maybe they wont meet, they will just have a totally new cast next season. i just keep saying goodbye to all these people because they are all going to die! or at least that's what the writers are doing...reconcilling everyone's differences and giving everybody closure! they are all dead meat.

jody and i both agree that rousseau and locke are a perfect match and he was already checking her out when they were trekking for the dynamite. so maybe they will still be alive.

oh! and those noises that art was making when he was running away from that "security system"...the only thing creepier than that was in the movie ravenous, when that crazy cannible guy starts freaking out and digging in the ground and making all those crazy noises...yeah, it was creepy.

anyway, i can't write about this show anymore because i get so excited and incoherent. i guess i only have to write one more after this.


Blogger However said...

Hi came on by via Jody Leila's site. I like your Lost review!! Very much like you, I got emotional while watching that episode. The part that got me the most was Sawyer and Jack's moment (of all things); when they were discussing Jack's dad, I got teary eyed. I hate all the partings too. I want those characters all to come back. Can't wait till next week!!

5:26 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

thanks so much! i'm glad you like it.

i'm really excited about next week too, but it's a little bittersweet because it's the last one.

i'm sure they will answer a lot of questions though.

6:09 PM  

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