
meet bunny!

Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
this is my old bunny, bunny. it's been a long time since i've had him, but i only just received this picture (that's not me, by the way).

my friend found him wandering around on someone's lawn, knocked on all the doors on the block and couldn't find his home. no one would take him, so voila: c'est bunny!

he was such a sweetie and he would get really excited when i came home from school. and he would just stretch out on the couch and fall asleep when you were petting him.

anyway, i came home one day and he got really sick (some kind of neurological, bacterial thing); he looked like he was reading the newspaper because his head kept lolling back and forth and his eyes were scanning constantly.

so, before you get a bunny, i have a few words of advice:

they chew everything.

they only calm down when they get older and they live a lot longer than you think.

they are more work than a cat; think more along the lines of: dog that will chew through all of your electrical cords.

you might need to clean their cage twice a day if you aren't planning on litter training them.

they don't just eat kibble; you need to give them fresh greens and even if they like carrots one day, does not ensure that they will the next. they also need hay for digestion (but alfalfa hay is bad for their kidneys - use timothy hay), a stone to grind their teeth, a salt lick and lots of water.

they're noisy at night.

they're noisy during the day.

they don't like loud music or television.

i could go on...

but i have been preachy enough as it is. i just know how easy it seems and it isn't. so think before you get yourself a little critter and if you can handle it, they are absolutely adorable.


Blogger Jody said...

I'm so glad you posted this. Firstly, because it is just such a sweet picture of bunny and Ryan but secondly because I was actually considering on getting a bunny!

I don't think I'm ready for that level of commitment. Plus, I have a dog that could use a lot more attention from me than she has been getting the last few months.

Thanks for posting the info and the pic.

4:48 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

no problemo. it's good to know that i am actually giving advice instead of just sounding bossy all the time.

and i forgot to mention that they always get sick - from the slightest disturbance - and the vet bills are insane for rabbits. and besides: dogs rule.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Ryan and oh yea the bunny is nice too. Patricia

12:13 AM  

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