

Lost - Logo
Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
we are definitely back in business! i don't know about you, but i think everything about the season premiere of lost freaked me out (even that wig that jack was wearing, but that freaked me out in a different way).

so what up with:

* that injection in the opening scene? makes you think that this guy isn't just any run-of-the-mill x-files season four super-soldier...more like season eight or nine when they can get crushed up into a garbage compactor and make it through the other side.

* that vision scene with walt!? but it wasn't that surprising considering that walt is one special kid. and vincent looked really scary/creepy/evil/rabid and then shannon heard those voices...intense.

* not showing what happened on the raft? very clever, lost producers, very clever. i know i am just angry because i have to wait a whole other week just to see it, but those are just as bad as soap opera tactics, those are!

* the new guy?? how crazy do you think you can get trapped in one of those hatches for sixteen years? pretty crazy. so he must be some kind of evil-scientist-puppet-master type who likes making people pay for their karma lapses.

season two just got crazy on a whole other level. next week is going to be even better, because i would like to see how three guys can survive a raft explosion in the middle of the ocean after getting terrorized by those "others" guys (if that's what they are, or maybe they are just pirates, but as jodyleila so aptly pointed out to me, rousseau's daughter alex threw that molotov cocktail that blew up their boat in the first place so i am pretty sure it's those "others" folks).


Blogger Jody said...

I'm still trying ot wrap my brain around it.

I was distracted by Jack's lid as well. Too funny.
I have a feeling that next weeks episode will be about the raft and Walt. They won't even show what's happening down in the hatch until the week after that. It just seems like something they would do.

10:56 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

i am so excited for next week too, but i am surprised at how quickly it went back to..."oh, we STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!"

it's not like they don't have a good enough story line that they can run with for a few seasons at least. i mean how long did star trek run? (what do you mean it's still on?) and they didn't keep all their viewers by shamelessly keeping everything a secret.

we waited three months to see thirty seconds of the hatch and we still didn't find out if walt is going to be ok...hopefully next week will be more revealing

11:04 AM  

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