
love not blood

Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
From Greenpeace Ocean's Campaigner, John Hocevar:

We had a very special treat for the CEO of Gorton's today. We also had a very special activist to deliver it. Alexandra Weinstein, a 17 year-old whale-lover who recently hosted one of our whale watching parties, showed up at the doorstep of Gorton's with a Valentine's Day message for CEO Steve Warhover: "have a heart - stop whaling." She gave Mr. Warhover a bag of candy hearts filled with these sweet messages - 3,635 of them as a matter of fact - one for each whale slaughtered since Gorton's has been in the whaling business. I wish I could say she won him over, but Gorton's is still refusing to have a heart - even on Valentine's Day.

Take Action!

Don't let Alexandra have all of the fun. You can deliver your own valentine e-card to Gorton's.


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