
read this, mf

so reading week has come and gone, and although i haven't done as much homework as i was hoping to (which stands to be the norm), i did get to do a lot of fun things that i don't normally do. thursday i went down to the AGO and we got in for free because of all the renovations.

i also went to see the goblet of fire at the imax with mom on friday night after i got off of work. as an interesting (to me anyway) aside: the health inspector was in that day at work because there was an annonymous customer complaint having something to do with getting sick from smoked chicken ravioli. lou flipped because he figured it was one of the neighbours who are in on the legal disputes about extending the patio hours...phew. anyway, we were clean. i sneaked over to james and i said: hey who's that guy? oh, that's the health inspector.

i just stayed by the bar and washed my hands over and over until he left. can't go wrong with that...well, actually you can: if you turn the tap off without using the discarded paper towel that you used to dry your hands, but i think it's bad to leave the tap running the whole time you are finding the paper towel, drying your hands....i won't do it, i'm sorry.

other than that, (which i realize now, aren't very good and vibrant descriptions of the events in my life) i am sick for the first time in two years (which might have something to do with the tap thing), but in a way that's a little comforting. i used to spend all winter with a cold, but it just suddenly stopped (when i stopped eating dairy) and i kind of forgot what neocitron tasted like. but it has definietly taken a toll on my ability to edit blog posts, let alone write them.

so dizzy and sleepy today.
must go.
light is fading.

i'm sorry, i will probably delete this and write one later, i just mainly wanted to say hi to everyone. hope you are having a nice sunday and it isn't as ass-bitingly cold as it is here.

oh, but i almost forgot. ryan is going to see the apartment on monday and we get to choose which one we want, negotiate a price and pick paint colours. i can't go with him (he's bringing the camera) but i told him to take the one with the patio. mike was saying: don't get too excited until you see the place. i said i would take it because there is a kitchen and i can stretch my arms above my head.

(but on top of that: all new appliances and all newly renovated. he renovated the upstairs apartment and designed it, thinking that he was going to be moving in there.)

he said if we wanted it march 1 we could take it or if we needed more time, we could take it in april. oh and then he called me dude, because some 40-something kept calling him dude and then he started calling everyone dude and by the time the night was over, everyone was doing it.


Blogger jessalauren said...

if you're not into the whole 'brevity' thing...

3:09 PM  
Blogger Jody said...

I'm just so happy you both are moving.

4:10 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

me too...
i actually got to see the place
today; it turns out paul pasilia lives across the street.
oh, and i really like it.

10:14 PM  

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