
KFC misery

thanks, jody for finding this letter. her blog is my favourite: come on pilgrim.
the beastie boys wrote a letter in support of peta's campaign against kfc.
for more info you can visit PETA or KFCruelty.

PETA is in negotiations with KFC at the moment, and they have requested that you hold off your correspondence with KFC until further notice.

February 8, 2005

Dear Mr. Novak,

It is unbelievable that KFC has done nothing to improve the worst
abuses of chickens raised for your restaurants. It comes as no surprise
that KFC’s sales have been in the toilet as more and more people find
out from PETA about your complete disregard for the well-being of these

You have the responsibility to tell your suppliers that what they are
doing is wrong. By doing nothing, you are to blame for the cruelty that
these chickens endure, which is truly sickening. You need to require
that your suppliers stop chopping the beaks off of parent birds.
Require that they stop breeding and drugging chickens to grow so big
that they can’t even walk. Require that they stop using cruel gathering
and slaughtering methods.

You have the influence to make much-needed changes to improve the lives
of these chickens and to improve your business as a result. It’s a
win-win situation for you, and I am amazed that you haven’t seen that

Please follow the recommendations of your animal welfare board and PETA
to bring your company into the 21st century.


Adam Horovitz

Adam Yauch

Mike Diamond


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