

Originally uploaded by jessalauren.
the first season is over with a bang...but no answers. was i the only one expecting some sort of resolution?

the dynamite scenes were tense. we found out why all of a sudden there was a high school science teacher on the show...yes, he exploded! he knew a few things about dynamite, but after all, he only taught HIGH SCHOOL (so there's a nice kick in the pants to those hard-working grade 11 chemistry teachers). and when locke made jack jump out of his skin, i couldn't stop laughing.

what was jack talking about? "a locke problem"? everytime jack becomes suspicious of someone, he begins his murder plot. of course he enlists kate because she is perfect for the job. we also found out that jack is a sexist pig and he thinks that little ladies can't handle carrying dynamite (but of course, kate still took of running without dropping her back pack when they were being chased by that crazy whatever-it-was).

a few more questions...why did charlie leave claire on the beach? why didn't claire start running!?! we were all screaming, why didn't she see it too? it's not like she didn't know that someone was trying to steal her baby! (well, that's what everyone thought).

as soon as rousseau said that she heard them talking about "the child" my stomach just totally dropped. before that, i had no idea that walt was going to be taken! i didn't have any time to prepare for that. now i have to think about that all summer! how are michael, jin and sawyer going to survive? WHY DIDN'T THEY SHOW US WHAT WAS IN THE HATCH!? because they haven't written that part of the show yet, that's why. and i guess that was the only reason i was dissapointed by the finale; i realized all this time, i have been trying to solve a mystery that hasn't even been written.

sorry. i always get like this after i watch a cliffhanger. did i mention how happy i was that locke didn't die? who started that rumour? i bet it was those nasty writers...sorry.


Blogger Jody said...

I agree with so much of what you wrote.

Poor Walt!

I really hope the writer's know what they're doing because I'm starting to lose my patience a bit.

I knew instantly that Charlie should not of left Claire and Turniphead alone on the beach. And then he grabs some heroin? Why Charlie, why?

Sawyer is not my favourite character but I really don't want him to die, hopefully Jin will be able to save him.

I guess we will have to wait until September to find out.

9:11 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

i agree that although sawyer is not my favorite character, he is great for the show. i just can't imagine how all of them are going to be alright.

i almost forgot about the heroine. how horrible! after all that, he is going to have to get off it again. not that there is a shortage by the looks of how much was on the plane.

i guess i wouldn't have been so disappointed if i hadn't seen matthew fox on tv the day before talking about how much monster footage there was going to be in the finale. i am pretty sure i didn't get to see what the monster looked like.

6:25 PM  

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