
after the storm

i hosted! and it went alright. thanks for everyone's lovely comments and thanks to ryan for noticing that i forgot a group of five waiting patiently by the patio as i almost gave away their table (!).

about ten minutes after my shift started, this really loud and really drunk guy came in the door and i couldn't stop him. he kept asking me to make him a martini and all i could say is, "well, how many people will be joining your party? if all you want is a drink then i'm sorry i can't give you a table".

i went to get a little assitance (from superman-james) and when i came back (without any luck in finding him), i realized that someone had made him a martini. james shows up to save the day and manages to shuffle him off after about five minutes of careful supervision (all the time shooting us death looks and whispering, "if anyone makes him another drink i am going to kill you!!).

he pays his bill...he starts leaving...slowly stumbling to the door...he's almost there...he's almost there...has the door open...and he spots the hot blond at the table next to him...starts saying something like, "hey baby, what are you doin later" and all i could think to do was shout "bye! have a nice night!" to try to block out his slurred pick up line. phew...he's gone.

twenty minutes later: he's back! he's back! he is on the sidewalk next to the patio and he's leaning over the fence chatting up to young girls at table 55. i noticed that alex was shooting me nervous and crazy glances, like "do we have to be nice about this??". somehow, superman-james get's him to leave - again - and alerts ryan that if he sees him coming anywhere near the restaurant, to "take evasive action". (this just means lock the door and pretend that nobody's home).

besides that little fiasco - which of all of the things i mentally prepared for, i seemed to forget rowdy drunk men - i really felt like i was in charge of the whole place. no...you cannot sit there...sorry...no table for you! i was the table nazi.

whoa! long post. see how much i write when i don't post on a regular basis? i go to put up a little post and it opens the floodgates.


Blogger Jody said...

That's something I definitely don't miss about my Commodore days. Sounds like it worked out alright though.

Here's wishing you lots of smooth nights this summer as hostess with the most-est!

10:37 PM  
Blogger jessalauren said...

at least it happened at the beginning of the shift. when it was over, my confidence boosted. (and the tips definitely make it a lot easier to handle)

8:17 AM  

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