
a little northeast

so we saw the place. i was ready just to take it when i heard there was a kitchen. there is a pear tree in the backyard and a kitchen! and it's big and we have a private walkout patio on the second floor. and there is a kitchen. did i mention that there were windows? there was a window in the kitchen...yes! there is a kitchen and there was a window in the first bedroom and you wouldn't believe it: the bedroom has a closet.

it's right in the juction. well, no it's not...they call it junction gardens now because the juction is confined to the little triangle with all the trains, but our old family friend lives right across the street and my old best friend's house (now just her grandmother lives there) is three houses up. it's strange. so it is 0.8 km from my old house and a 2.5 km walk to work (if i don't bus it).

they are doing the renovations now, so everything is going to be brand new. and yes, it is right by the train tracks. i can hear the trains at night from our house now, i can only imagine how loud it's going to be in the middle of the night right beside them, but it's perfect for me because i love stuff like that. well, at least that's what i'm telling myself now. i have always loved living somewhere that's noisy at night, because there is nothing more lonely than thinking you are the only person awake in the entire world when it seems like everyone else can fall asleep except you. this might be a big plus for my insomnia. there is also a special meditation technique that takes advantage of really loud and annoying noises that i might have to master in the coming months.

still, ryan's mom wants to be really involved now, so they are out now checking up on a couple places. there is a two bedroom above a hardware store that closes at 6pm that's a lot cheaper than the one we are taking now, but i know it's going to be a dump. it might not, but it's just nice to know that we have a place for the taking and mike really, really wants us (specifically) to move in.

now if we can't make rent, i can tell him it's because he doesn't tip me out enough (and that's the truth).


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