
front street extension

here is a sample letter from sierra club of canada to mayor, david miller.

send this letter (or a modified version of your own) to the miller man himself:

Toronto City Hall, 2nd Floor, 100 Queen St. West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2

Dear Mayor Miller:

I appreciate all the good work you have done in your first year as Mayor. I supported you in your campaign, and would continue to do so if and when you seek re-election as Mayor, which I hope you do. I know you have as a priority the betterment of the City’s waterfront. To that end, I am writing to ask you to support the deletion of funds for the Front St. Extension (FSE) from the City budget.
  • At $256 million, it will be the most expensive 2 km of road ever built in Canada.
  • The money should be diverted to public transit at the waterfront and across the city.
  • The project will consume 75% of all available funds for the waterfront. These funds are needed for real priorities that could turn the Toronto’s waterfront into a clean, green showplace.
  • It is a waste of money to add a new interchange joining Front Street to the Gardiner if the City of Toronto is considering demolishing the expressway. There is never enough money to satisfy all the needs of Toronto.

Given all the above, this expenditure cannot be seen as a rational use of City funds.Thank you for considering my views.


Paula Boutis

711-199 Roehampton Ave.Toronto, ON M4P 1R5

c.c. Councillors Michael Walker, Sylvia Watson, Glenn De Baeremaker


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