
cashing in

i got a letter a little while ago from a certain airline company (two guesses to who it might be) in response to a complaint i had registered at the end of summer. to compensate for the piece of wood that ended up in my airline food and eventually embedded into the back of my throat, i get to choose between a cheque for two hundred dollars or a three hundred and fifty dollar travel voucher.

there are a few things i have to say about this, the first being that in order to use that travel voucher, i would have to give them even more money to take a trip (my flight was eight hundred dollars). what can i say, i'm money hungry now. two hundred dollars cash would mean that they paid me about twenty dollars an hour to sit in pain and fear (on my birthday). its better than working at the restaurant, but still.

the second point - they said they were ONLY giving me said amount because they couldn't find out what the problem was in the first place. a tip: don't eat airline food unless you want to be stuck in a hospital for five hours (on your birthday) with foreign objects cutting into your mucous membranes. apparently this is just normal airline stuff.

thirdly - they are giving me these settlement options WITHOUT ANY PROOF. no doctor's report, no piece of wood...not even a boarding pass. you don't even need a ticket. just send off a letter saying that you had a piece of wood stuck in your throat and its their fault. then wait about two months and you can get your settlement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

those cheap bastards

2:56 PM  

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